Sunday 21 June 2009

We've been to Mount Hawke Sk8 Park!!!!

We all had a great time going down to Truro, Cornwall for our steering group day trip to Mount Hawke Sk8 Park click here to see. This was a reward trip for all our hard work. We set off at 9am in a two minibus convoy (we had one minibus with the bikes in).

Here is a few snaps of the day (just until we get another slide show up): -

Callumn: -

James & Kellan: -

George: -

Jack (with no hands!!!): -

Kellan, Tyler & Charlie: -

Lloyd: -

Charlie, Jack & Toby: -

Here is the whole group but we missed Will in this picture as he was taking the photo!!!!

Thank you to Youth workers Simon, Will, Karen and PCSO Guy Dury who all helped make the trip possible.

More photos to follow ....

4th June 2009

WE'VE GOT FUNDS .... from youth opportunity fund!!

Thank you to the Youth Opportunity Fund who accepted our latest grant application and have awarded us with vital funds of £2,000. We now have this to put towards our conservatory work with the badgers that are around the skate park site, help towards an art workshop that we are going to do with Lee Kirby, a contribution towards our next skate jam in August and some training workshops for the new track.

A BIG thank you!!